Fully Custom Showit Website Design

Showit Bridal Hair & Makeup Artist Website Design

Introducing the new modern & feminine website design for Miss Lauryn Marie, a bridal hair and makeup artist. Lauryn first approached me with a WordPress website that she felt was super hard to update. Updating pricing? Changing images? It was all a big question mark. For a dynamic entrepreneur like Lauryn, this just wasn’t cutting it. At the core, Lauryn wanted to own her website. It wasn’t just about looking good; it was about feeling in control. Being able to change images as her portfolio grew, updating pricing when her services expanded—that’s the kind of flexibility she was aiming for. I translated Lauryn’s vision into a Showit masterpiece, giving her the full freedom to her new online space. Explore the Showit bridal hair & makeup artist website design below.

A New Era of Confidence

Post-launch, Lauryn is not just another name in the beauty industry; she’s a standout brand. With her new Showit site, she’s updating, tweaking, and showcasing her skills with a newfound confidence.

Showit Bridal Hair & Makeup Artist Website Design Inspiration

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Work with me

It's easy to set up a website and forget about it, but the truth is, websites require maintenance. In this free guide, I cover everything you need to know to ensure your website is doing its job. 

Free Website Audit Checklist